Wednesday, September 30, 2009

With an Idiot here and an Idiot There…

..Here an idiot there an idiot everywhere an idiot. If Ol’ McDonald were a progressive, he would have a farm full of idiots. Regardless of the fact that there are idiots of every stripe and persuasion, I believe progressivism has cultivated an even higher number of them.

I recently finished reading “Arguing With Idiots” by Glenn Beck. The great thing about this book is the pages and pages of sources in the back. It makes it easy to do your own verification. He tackles many issues from the second amendment to health care to progressive ideals in general. Over all, I would say it is a solid look at how progressives in the past and today’s progressives have constantly fought to erode the constitution and our individual liberties. This of course spoon feeds the arguments your idiot friends may bring about. In opening Beck states that he is not singling out a particular group of people, just the idiotic arguments that are spouted off by whomever in regards to some of these vital issues. It diffuses these arguments with facts and attempts to educate in general on the founding of our country, the rights and responsibilities we have, and to help others realize the government is not there to take care of everyone. People are personally responsible for their lives.

On to the other idiots I have read about recently. I really want to address the elite idiots. These are the people who through either accumulation of money, power, or celebrity feel they are in a position to dictate to the rest of us how things should be. Recently Roman Polanski was arrested on an outstanding U.S. Warrant in Switzerland. The Swiss did the right thing. This man drugged and raped a 13 year old girl in 1977. Although he pled guilty, when it came time to sentencing, Mr. Polanski decided to just skip the country. Now all the elites in Hollywood are saying, oh he served his time, let him go. Served his time? I don’t recall seeing him listed as a resident of the California Penal System. Of course, he probably fled knowing that his fellow residents in the system would treat him just as well as he treated that little girl. The elite say he is an important artist and great director. He has contributed so much to our modern culture. What a load of crap! If you did the crime you have to do the time. Ironically, these elites such as Harvey Weinstein say that if the Swiss don’t release Polanski it would be a miscarriage of justice.

How do the Hollywood Elite and the Political Elite tie in together? They both believe the progressive notion that the general population is too dumb to make decisions for themselves and that they must be directed by a group of “experts.” I really don’t see people like Lindsay Lohan or Britney Spears as “experts” on life and how you should live it. I know that’s a bit of a stretch in my example, but it’s the attitude amongst the elite in general that they know what is best that causes our issues. I believe that entertainers are there to entertain me and not spout political opinions at me in the midst of a performance (Dixie Chicks, U2, and several others). I FIRMLY believe that the representatives we send to run the government are there to do my bidding. They are not there to dictate how I should live my life.

Of course, now I see the fusion of the two. The President is currently in Denmark along with Oprah to try to get the 2016 Olympics brought to Chicago. I think maybe he should be at home discussing strategy with his generals regarding the two wars we are in and the possibility of Iran cause all sorts of chaos. Oh yeah, there is also that tiny little matter of the economy in shambles. Well, I wouldn’t want him to miss the chance to hang out with his buddy Oprah on Air Force One. Maybe they can give each other some book recommendations.

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