Wednesday, September 23, 2009

There Ain't No Party Like a Despot Party....

....Cause a Despot Party Don’t Stop!

Today’s post is dedicated to my favorite Garanimals wearing dictator and despot, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. I do honestly think he and Kim Jong Il share the same tailor. Today was the big day of giant, fluffy, I’m better than you speeches by world leaders at the U.N. Well, except for our president. He couldn’t help but say everybody is better than us and we’re a bunch of racist nut jobs. Well not exactly, but he did continue the 2009 World Apology Tour. Can’t we all just get along?

So, getting back to the despots, all sorts of them spoke today. In leading up to the day’s speeches our despot of the day continued to deny the holocaust (saying it was a clever Jewish ruse to get the West to set up the State of Israel), called for Israel to be wiped from the map, and mentioned the 12th Imam.

So, what do we know about the 12th Imam?

He is the Shiite Islam Messiah (al Mahdi). It is said that before he returns there must be 3 years of horrendous world chaos, tyranny, and oppression. Mr. Ahmadenijad believes it to be his personal responsibility to help prepare the world for his coming. Hence, he must spread as much chaos and destruction as possible to speed up the Imam’s return. He claims he was “directed by Allah to pave the way for the glorious appearance of the Mahdi.”

There are many in our government who really don’t take this too seriously. Some of our leaders give only lip service to religious beliefs, therefore they think, hey, Garanimals boy is just another politician, he really doesn’t believe in all that stuff. I hate to say it, but this man truly believes in his calling. I think it underscores his obsession with getting the bomb.

I believe we must do everything in our power to keep Iran from getting nukes. They already have great short to medium long range missile capabilities, this allows them to strike Israel (wipe it off the map) and a good portion of Eastern Europe. Good thing we just canceled that missile shield eh. They are just a couple years away from acquiring long range intercontinental ballistic missiles. This would allow them to strike pretty much anyone.

While I do believe we should never take the option of force off the table, there are some things that can be done to stop them in their tracks without military intervention. There is a great deal of political unrest in Iran, particularly amongst the younger generations. By taking the primary opposition group People’s Mujahideen Organization of Iran (PMOI) off the terror list, it would allow them to get the financial support they need to make a difference in Iran. In the 1980’s as a concession to Iran, the U.S. and most of Europe agreed to list them as a terrorist organization. In January of this year the EU delisted them allowing their assets to be unfrozen. There are some in congress calling to do the same but it has not moved forward.

The next thing we can do is to enact an embargo against their imported gasoline supplies. I know it sounds weird, but one of the world’s largest oil producers lacks the refining capacity to support their own needs. They have to import a large portion of their gasoline supplies. This would create an already more difficult situation for the current regime as there are already gasoline shortages.

Although this last one would do wonders and be a good non-military option it most likely will not happen. Russia has said they will no longer support any more sanctions against Iran and we just kowtowed to their request to scrap our missile shield in Europe without getting anything in return. Oh, except for GE getting a high level meeting with Vlad that very afternoon. Why would Russia cut off one of its biggest trading partners? They are supplying the Iranians with nuclear technology and the surface to air missile systems necessary to protect the facilities.

As the President continues to display weakness and give away our bargaining chips for nothing in return and Israel prepares to take the only option left to protect themselves; the world’s leading dictators are getting together at a Starbucks in Manhattan to plot out the end of Western Civilization.

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