Thursday, September 10, 2009

Progressive Research Paper

I am currently starting a research paper for my English class. I have decided to carry on the theme I started with my last post and address Progressivism. As it goes along with the intent of my blog I figured I would share my research and paper with you. I also figured it would be good to get as much feedback as possible.

Here is my general thesis as it stands.

Progressive Ideals Are At Odds With The Intent of The Founding Fathers

I have drafted out the following as some potential talking points or areas to cover.

What are the tenants of progressivism?
What is the history of progressivism?
What was the intent of the founding fathers regarding the scope of national/central government?
What were poverty levels before progressivism flourished?
What was community involvement like before progressivism flourished?
What are poverty levels like now?
What is community involvement like now?
How have both major political parties used progressive ideals to push their agendas?
How do the ideals of progressivism affect individual rights?
What was the intent of the founding fathers in regards to individual rights? Are they more important than the rights of the state?
How did natural law formulate the beliefs of the founders in regards to individual rights?
How does this contrast with the progressive belief that there is no natural law?

Some of the above ideas have been drafted out as I read some of my research. As this is a fluid project I am working on across the next month it will obviously change. Any of your ideas on the above mentioned topics and anything else I post would be greatly appreciated.

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