Thursday, January 28, 2010

Brain Crash and Reboot

So yesterday my brain totally crashed and had to reboot, interesting experience. That and the need for a bit more research will delay the Energy Independance post I know you were all eagerly awaiting. :-) So, let's talk about the longest speech in Presidential History. Well, at least the current President's history.

Although I did not watch it personally, I always read it after the fact. I get more about what was really said without all the personality that was thrown in. Besides, if I had to watch Nancy Pelosi wet herself again with excitement from being in Obama's presence I think I would have puked.

Just a couple of side points. He referred to himself more than 100 times. He also blamed Bush at least 8 times.

The big thing the President did was attempt to look like he was exercising some fiscal restraint. I give him a miserable fail on that. He did say the words "spending freeze." However, that freeze won't go into effect until next budget year and he already more than doubled spending last year. He can just double down on the spending and then freeze it. Here is the big thing though. The freeze only covers around 17% of the budget. It doesn't cover a lot of the things that totally go through the roof every year such as entitlement programs. If you look at the total deficit, it saves less than a %. I believe it is 0.58%.

The President still wants to push forward with his disastrous attempts at health care and cap n trade. These are going to cost the tax payer untold billions and result in millions of more jobs lost. He talks a big talk about we have to concentrate on the economy and jobs but everything he is doing signals that he is anti-business and pro-government which are the biggest job killers. Government isn't the solution to our problems, IT IS the problem.

He spoke of taxing the "evil" banks that received TARP funds so the people can be repaid. Ummm, news flash. The banks have paid back what they borrowed, with interest. However, GM and Fannie n Freddie that have sucked untold billions from us and have not paid anything back get a free ride? It is just more of the same progressive class warfare rhetoric. Mr. President, I guess you haven't been paying attention to the recent elections. People aren't falling for that crap. They are waking up.

One other thing to mention. The President directly attacked the Supreme Court last night on a national stage with them sitting two rows back. He disagrees with the court's decision to uphold the 1st ammendment and freedom of speech last week. He may not have said lets abolish the Supreme Court, but his direct attach on them is still a flagrant violation of the Separation of Powers in the Constitution. Although I did see a comment where a person stated Obama uses the Constitution as his toilet paper. Interesting perspective. Justice Alito was right to mouth the words not true.

I was curious to see what direction he would take after the elections in Massachussettes last week. I figured he would either go a bit more center like Clinton or he would dig in his heels and hit the gas pedal. Well, it appears that the President is a true progressive revolutionary. He is digging in and slamming down on the gas pedal. Remember for the progressives, its not revolution, its evolution. Amazing what the removal of one letter can do. Of course, I guess I should have seen it after the Diane Sawyer interview. He said he would rather be a really good one term President than a mediocre two term president.

For a longer list of discussions, see the responses from members of the Heritage Foundation.

Next week will bring my discussion of Energy Independence and after that I am debating a formal direction for the blog. I'm still looking for feedback from my few readers out there in cyberspace. Until then, remember to keep yourself informed and don't be afraid to speak out.

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