Thursday, January 21, 2010

Global Smarming

There is a phrase in dancing circles, particularly the swing dancing circles I have thoroughly enjoyed in the past, called "collecting the no's". It basically goes like this. A guy continually asks different girls to dance, being turned down in turn by each one. He keeps working his way around the room "collecting the no's." This is how I see the reaction of the "global warming" screamers and environmentalists in general. Every time one of their reasons, arguments, justifications that supposedly goes to point out "global warming" or "climate change" as they are now referring to it is confronted with facts that disproves their theory, they try to jump to something else with equal result. They just keep jumping from theory to theory that continually gets disproved by the scientific facts, just like the guy collecting the no's.

There have been a chorus of things that have been piling up against the alarmists recently. A lot of this has been coming on fast and as expected, ignored by the main stream media. The biggest one of course is "climategate." Tons and tons of emails leaked that the scientists were manipulating data, refusing to share the data, and pressuring peer review journals to not publish any research that could disprove their theories and models. I am currently taking a science class in school. A couple of the first things I learned that I felt are quite applicable. One, the debate in science is never over. Two, the law of falsifiability. It basically states that a theory has no chance of being true unless it is possible to disprove it. You also have to allow others that chance. It seems the things the "climategate" emails reveal is that the scientists weren't staying true to scientifice principles.

The most recent bubble the alarmists had pierced was this one. The UN IPCC and others had been stating that the glaciers in the Himalayas were receding at an astonishing rate. If we didn't do anything to address "man made global warming" the glaciers would all melt in 30 years. Last week the scientist who published the report admitted to not having any data that shows that. He said he just guessed at it because it sounded good. None of the data he did use had been peer reviewed and checked by the scientific community. Of course, now the alarmists at the UN have egg on their face. They are being called out on it. They knew the data was wrong on it but kept it hidden away. Why would they do that? Because they are bent on international economic control.

Here's the crux about all this "climate change" stuff. A UN official even inadvertantly admitted it. "Climate Change" legislation and measures are not about the environment. They are about economic redistribution on a global scale. By stating that industrialized nations have pillaged and damaged the earth, they can be guilted into taxing their own productivity and redistributing those funds to less industrialized nations. That is what the big meeting in Copen hoggen was about.

You have to ask yourself, why do these environmental alarmists practice their craft with almost religious zeal? Why do they keep "collecting the no's?" It really dawned on me today. It is part of a bigger battle they are waging. The redistribution of wealth is where it really started to click with me. They are progressives on a world wide scale attempting to exercise their control over everyone. These people hate capitalism and freedom. The freedom of people allows to much to be in control of the individual. "Climate Change" legislation would cripple the economy. It has done it to the countries that have implemented some of these schemes and changes being proposed. Just take a look at Spain and Germany. At least the Chinese are right about one thing. They aren't going to be stupid enough to cripple their economy with ridiculous rules that have shown that they can't even hit their "goals" of reducing Co2 emissions.

In the end, the alarmists will keep "collecting the no's". As the audience of people that believes them continues to dwindle downward, they will keep screaming from the mountain tops. Hopefully everyone will be paying enough attention to make sure they don't push their draconian changes through some back door alternative.

Remember to keep yourself informed, and don't be afraid to speak out.

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