Wednesday, December 2, 2009

There Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens

Amidst the swirling thoughts of my brain today with all that is going on, it was nice not to have it pounded by H1N1. Sorry, ADD moment. Back to my swirling thoughts. I was thinking about one of my favorite songs to dance to. There Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens by Louis Jordan. I thought it was a nice little view on the President's 1 billionth prime time address. (I was mad because they preempted A Charlie Brown Christmas).

Here you have the leader of the mightiest nation on earth say in one breath, i'm going to send half the troops my field commander requested, and then in the next say, we are going to start bringing them home in 18 months. If I were the enemy I would just lay low until the 18 months is up and we're good and gone and then start wreaking havoc.

I can imagine our soldiers going door to door doing searches for insurgents and they hear from the other side, "there ain't nobody here but us chickens." Oh, that's right, our soldiers have to give residents advanced notice of when they will be carrying out a surprise search. The Washington Examiner has put together a list of the rules of engagement that our troops must follow in this war against the terrorists who attacked us on our own soil. I have yet had a chance to read the entire thing, but besides this nugget just discussed were a couple I have picked out.

To engage an insurgent placing an IED, said insurgent must be actively setting up the IED. If they catch him and can't engage until he is walking away, they are too late.

Before engaging the enemy they must be able to show that the enemy is about to fire on them first. I could understand this one in the cold war when you didn't want the Soviets to nuke us, but we have actively declared war against these guys.

If you are going to fire on any insurgents, you cannot do so if they are in proximity to any civilians.

No wonder the only time the President got any applause last night was when he voiced support for our men and women in uniform. Here's a little hint, they weren't applauding him, but their fellow servicemen. He looked extremely uncomfortable giving this speach in front of this crowd and it looked like a lot of people were falling asleep.

I love our men and women in uniform. I have family members that are currently serving. They need leadership back home that is going to have the backbone to get the job done right. If you are not going to give the support that your hand picked general has asked for, then don't wait 18 months to bring our troops home. Bring them home now. Otherwise, what are they fighting and dieing for over there. Don't get me wrong, I want to get the scum who attacked us and get the job done right. However, if you don't want to give the troops what they need to get it done then don't waste their time. General McChrystal asked for 60,000 additional troops with 40,000 being the minimum. He needs these troops immediately. Obama is going to send 30,000 across the next 5 months. The media spin on this is that 30,000 out of the 40,000 requested isn't that bad. They are conveniently forgetting the fact the real numbers requested was much higher.

Abraham Lincoln was constantly ridiculed for his handling of the Civil War when it began. He constantly stood by the decisions of his generals and gave them what they said they needed. Lincoln did fire the generals that didn't get the job done and finally found success with Grant. If President Obama doesn't agree with how his chosen general wants to run the war, then fire him and get somebody that you do like.

Our enemies are being given the blueprint by our own leaders on how to defeat us. When you go to war, especially as the most powerful nation on decide you are going to win, pound the enemy with everything you have, get the job done as quickly as possible, and get out. If we actually went after our enemies with the full power we possess they would think twice about attacking us. That is the big stick part of speak softly but carry a big stick.

At the end of the day, I believe it is our national leaders crying to the world, "there ain't nobody here but us chickens."

Remember to keep yourself informed and don't be afraid to speak out.

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