Monday, December 7, 2009

Smearing Donahue?

.... no, not that Donahue.

In Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" he talks about smearing the other side. The basics is this. You know you cannot win in a debate of ideas. You do not have the truth on your side. Therefore, you take out the other side personally to make them less effective in spreading their message.

I see things in the news now and then that remind me of this. There were two today but the latest nugget was this one.

It basically goes like this. The CEO of the Chamber of Commerce, the institution charged with promoting business in America, had the gall to stand up against both Health Care Reform and Climate Change initiatives. Mr. Donohue is right in that both of these measures will kill economic growth in the U.S. Just about completely. Once again, the progressives on the left cannot argue and debate based upon facts, so they just smear.

Someone else who touched on this today was Glenn Beck. He mentioned how he spoke with his family before he set out to expose everything that he has in the past year and said, look, these people are going to come after me for what I am going to say. He is right. Progressives from all sides of the aisle come after him regularly. Do they actually say he said something wrong? If so, do they point out his errors? Of course not. All they do is try to make fun of him. They try to smear and make him look like an idiot.

Progressive elites have no facts to back up what they are trying to ram down our throats. Now that the people are actually paying attention, they are having a hard time justifying. They cook the books, see Climategate, and they inflate the numbers to try to make their cause look just. They use the touchy feely arguments, but most of us believe you should be able to pull yourself up and improve your lives. So, they call you every name in the book to try and silence you. I read in a comment thread today someone say that calling people racist for not agreeing with something has lost pretty much all credibility. I do believe I agree.

Remember, keep yourself informed and don't be afraid to speak out.

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