Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Politics of Sit Down and Shut Up

Such a thought provoking topic, isn't it? This is exactly the type of politics and action that is being taken by progressives right now. They cannot discuss the issues that a vast majority of Americans have issues with. They cannot come on to the battlefield of ideas with what they are pushing and win. So, what is their solution? Straight from Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. They are trying to silence the opposition. They are trying to tell us to sit down and shut up, because they know what's best for you. It is the type of thing that tyrants and dictators try to do. Tyrrants and Dictators then generally resort to physical means to try and suppress the opposition. I am not saying that the current progressives in power would go this far at this time. However, the President's Manufacturing Czar, Ron Bloom, did say, "We kind of agree with Mao that political power comes largely from the barrel of a gun."

There are the SEIU goons, there is no better way to describe them, that attacked Kenneth Gladney, a black conservative, outside a town hall meeting in St. Louis. This was back in August. Kenneth was handing out and selling Don't Tread on Me flags. They shouted racial slurs at him and proceeded to beat him to the point he needed hospitilization.

For the most part they are trying to find ways to pick apart and isolate the opposition. However, the one thing that we have learned observing all these patriots come out in protest of the shredding of our Constitution, is that we are not alone. They cannot isolate us. They call us racist because we don't agree with the Presiden'ts policies. What a load of crap! We disagree with him because of his policies. Lloyd Marcus is a great example of the inclusiveness of the tea party movement. I absolutely LOVE his articles. He tells it as it is as he sends in updates from tea parties all over the country.

I had a friend in a recent debate back and forth call me a racist because I can't believe a black man can be President. I have known this individual for several years. He knows I am nothing even close to resembling a racist. However, he fell back on the only thing that the left has remaining; to try and accuse me of being a racist to get me to shut up. Interestingly enough, the debate started with me posting an article written by Lloyd Marcus. It truly boggles the mind sometimes. I'll probably throw up a post tomorrow with this last conversation that I had back and forth with him.

The other recent example is the boycott of Glenn Beck. I'll just let Glenn comment on it in his own words. It is truly interesting. I do agree that he must have hit a nerve, because all he ever does is play quotes of these progressives making statements that most Americans would disagree with.

The founders of this great nation wanted us to debate. As James Madison stated in the Federalist Papers, they recognized that although individual liberty can bring about a strong difference of opinion, it is essential to life. It is absolutely essential that we debate ideas with each other. The debate can be civil. The tea party protests have been shown to be peaceful. I have debates with friends in person and on Facebook that are civil. We share our ideas back and forth and attempt to back up our positions with valid sources.

Progressives have nothing left to say in the debate because the light is now shining on them, and what they have been up to in the dark for the last 100 years. Instead of scattering like a bunch of cockroaches as they have in the past, this time they are taking Salinsky's advice and jamming on the accelerator. Do not let anyone try to shame you for having an opinion or for your beliefs. Just realize that if they attempt to do this, they have no valid argument back and are scared at the possibilities you are presenting.

I wanted to just close this out with a link to a clip I will probably repost tomorrow as well so it sits on its own. Another great example of an up and coming leader that is speaking out. I really agree with what he has to say.

As always, remember to keep yourself informed and don't be afraid to speak out.

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