Monday, April 26, 2010

Compare and Contrast: Monday Morning Quotes

Actually just one thought provoking quote today.

"People everywhere enjoy believing things that they know are not true. It spares them the ordeal of thinking for themselves and taking responsibility for what they know."

- Brooks Atkinson

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Would you survive the next great depression?

Isn’t that such a scary topic heading? First off, no I am not being a fear monger or anything of that nature. Although I do feel that we haven’t seen the last of our country’s economic upheavals, I am not saying, oh my goodness there is going to be a disaster. There are many times in our lives when we are faced with potential trials that test the best of us. I do believe however that it is good to be prepared and have a proactive survivor mentality.

What do I mean by a survivors mentality? Experts say there's a 10/80/10 model for people that are confronted with crisis: 10 percent respond by doing the wrong thing; 80 percent wait for someone to tell them what to do, while they do nothing; and 10 percent respond with purpose, plan and action. An oft cited example is 9/11. When the people were sitting in their office buildings, how many people headed for the stairs immediately telling people we have to get out? How many people said, no, it’s all going to be ok, there is no problem? Worst though, how many people just sat there like sheep or worse like an ostrich with their head in the sand waiting for somebody else to pull them out and tell them what to do?

We have to be the ones that not only say we are going to be aware of what is going on around us, but we have to be prepared for the eventualities that something may happen. The first thing that I believe needs to be addressed is personal responsibility. I know it is not the standard approach to this topic. It is however where everything needs to start.

We are personally responsible for our own well being and that of our families. It is up to us to make ends meet, to ensure that our children are properly educated, and to ensure we are prepared for any eventualities that may come down the line. I actually addressed the topic of personal responsibility in a previous blog post. One of the issues with Hurricane Katrina was that people sat around waiting for the government to swoop in and save them. News flash, it is not the job of the government to swoop in and save you. Those that did well and survived were those that heeded the warnings to leave town in advance. Next in line were those that were actually somewhat prepared and took personal responsibility to get themselves and others out of there. The state of Florida is generally able to tell FEMA we really don’t need that much help when a hurricane sweeps through there because they recognize they are the ones that need to take care of themselves.

We should not be dependent on the government or anybody else to take care of this. A friend recently addressed a portion of this topic. I have borrowed something from him below, a quote, and paraphrased his lead in.

This is a quote from Marion G. Romney, a former Apostle of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and someone I consider to be a Prophet, Seer, and Revelator. He gave this talk regarding the LDS church welfare program. He chose these words when discussing welfare and taking care of our brothers and sisters who are needy.

"It is the responsibility of every Latter-day Saint to work and so impart of his substance, regardless of the shifting standards of this world. We must uphold these principles and oppose every derogation of them. We must be careful not to adopt the commonly accepted practice of expecting the government or anyone other than ourselves to supply us with the necessities of life.

The practice of coveting and receiving unearned benefits has now become so fixed in our society that even men of great wealth, and possessing the means to produce more wealth, are expecting the government to guarantee them a profit. Elections often turn on what the candidates promise to do for voters from government funds. This practice, if universally accepted and implemented in any society, will make slaves of its citizens.

We cannot afford to become wards of the government, even though we have a legal right to do so. It requires too great a sacrifice in self-respect and in political, temporal, and spiritual independence.

Let us work for what we need. Let us be self-reliant and independent. Salvation can be obtained on no other principle. Salvation is an individual matter, and we must work out our own salvation, in temporal as well as in spiritual things."

To sum it up, we are responsible for saving ourselves.

What areas should we focus on to survive the next great depression or even personal financial collapse?

Other than personal responsibility which truly is the start, you need to be responsible in your finances, and ensure that you take some emergency preparedness to heart. Let’s take a quick look at personal finances. You need to get yourself out of debt. You need to save up at least a year’s worth of expenses; this is beyond the normal 6 months that financial advisors would tell you. You then need to invest in your future and retirement. I am not going to cover all of these here, but will probably take all of these topics in further posts regarding surviving. The reason I say you need to be responsible with your finances is because most people aren’t. I did some financial advising for a while and the one thing I always came across is nobody had a plan. Lisa and I have recently obtained and are getting ready to start working through a program from Dave Ramsey. We have heard very good things and some of his concepts I have heard of have worked for us when we have applied them. Application is always the key.

Now for some emergency preparedness guidelines. Lisa and I have always heard growing up being LDS that you need to have a 1 year supply of food. I think it is something that everyone should slowly build up. Even if there was not some major disaster, I know some families who suffered long term unemployment. There food storage helped them eat for that time. Start small by picking up an extra can of food when you go shopping. After a while, the small things begin to add up. Besides the food storage you truly need to have a plan. If x happens then we do y and z. Make sure you have a plan that covers not only natural disasters or a total financial collapse, but any challenge your family may view as an emergency. It is something that my wife Lisa feels so strongly about she has started working with a company that helps people to do exactly these things. (Yes, I am going to take the opportunity to plug my wife’s business.)

I have mentioned briefly our faith. I believe that is something that as Americans we need to get back to. No matter what your faith is or your belief system, you need to strengthen yourself. You need to strengthen your faith. I also believe that as Americans, if we have a strong faith and we are financially sound as individuals, when the government comes knocking with its latest and greatest entitlement program we can say no thanks and tell them where to shove it. If enough of us are in this position we can really change the future.

The Lord has told us that if you are prepared ye shall not fear. Let us increase our faith, make ourselves ready for whatever may come at us in this life, and be the 10% of people that take charge in those situations and help bring some of the 80% to our side.

Remember, keep yourself informed and don’t be afraid to speak out.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Compare and Contast - Monday Quotes

“the most fundamental and indispensable mark of statehood” was “the original, absolute, unlimited, universal power over the individual subject, and all associations of subjects.” John Burgess - 19th century Progressive Political Scientist

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their CREATOR with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the CONSENT of the governed." Thomas Jefferson - Declaration of Independence

Emphasis is mine.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Education: Why do we keep throwing good money after bad?

I had a quick exchange with someone yesterday regarding education. They had stated that it is tragic that all these teachers in multiple states are being laid off. She mentioned California and a handful of states, including New Jersey. I shared with her the background on what was happening in New Jersey, and she thanked me for the information and mentioned that it was nice to have the other side of the story so you get a full picture. It was a pleasant exchange compared to some others I have had, particularly on a topic that is considered the Holy Grail, Education.

So, where am I heading with all this?

Several people are up in arms and screaming about cuts being made in education. Well, let us look at it like this. When times get tough for you financially you cut back on your expenses, right? Even if it is something that you really enjoy, you make the cut. I have hit hard enough times where I had to sell new game systems we’d had for only a handful of months. At one point we sold our extra car and made the necessary sacrifices to be a one car family. They are things that weren’t necessarily popular with either me or my wife, but we did it because it had to be done. It’s the same case with education. The money is not there, states have to cut the money. I know the last thing they would want to cut is education. You do however need to make cuts when necessary. It’s the responsible thing to do.

I know people are going to argue back and say, you can just raise taxes. Uh huh, that’s working out really well for New York and New Jersey, along with California. People are fleeing New York and California to escape the higher taxes; therefore you are going to lose even more revenue. In New Jersey, they elected a governor who promised to cut their high tax rates. Even a campaign stop from Obama and pressure from the unions in New Jersey couldn’t salvage the incumbent democrat.

I previously mentioned discussing the situation in New Jersey with someone. They need to cut $819 million from the school budgets. The Governor proposed that the teachers take a 1 YEAR pay freeze and pay 1.5% of their salaries towards benefits. At this time they pay nothing towards their benefits. This would save the state $800 million. So, that would mean no teachers laid off and no programs cut. A large number of the teachers are willing to do this, but the union isn’t having it. They are refusing and would rather see their members, whom they are supposed to represent, be laid off then cooperate with the Governor. In fact, one of the unions local presidents “jokingly” prayed for the death of the Governor in an email sent out to union members. Is that the kind of third grade discourse we have come to?

The union would rather have the Governor raise taxes. Hello, he was elected because the people recognized they are overtaxed and he promised to cut taxes and spending. Throwing good money after bad, particularly in education has never worked. In 1965 we spent $12 billion dollars in federal funds on education. In the 2011 budget we are set to spend $94 billion. Here’s the clincher. Between 1973 and 2008, achievement scores in math went up just two points, and reading scores just one point. If I was an investor, which we are when it comes to our children’s education, I would have serious issues with the return on investment here. All of the stats above are courtesy of the U.S. Department of Education.

We need to make several reforms to fix this, some of them I have mentioned previously, some I have not. I feel a comprehensive post on those ideas coming soon. Please take part in the education of your children. Remember that WE are responsible for teaching our children. The teachers are there to assist us, not the other way around. Be involved in the school boards, and take a good hard common sense approach to fix the issues in your own community. The future of our children and our nation depend on it.

Remember, keep yourself informed and don’t be afraid to speak out.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Compare and Contrast - Morning Quotes

"Government is not a machine, but a living thing. It falls, not under the theory of the universe, but under the theory of organic life. It is accountable to Darwin."
- Woodrow Wilson

“ The general principles upon which the Fathers achieved independence were the general principals of Christianity… I will avow that I believed and now believe that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God.”
–John Adams in a letter written to Abigail on the day the Declaration was approved by Congress

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Politics of Sit Down and Shut Up

Such a thought provoking topic, isn't it? This is exactly the type of politics and action that is being taken by progressives right now. They cannot discuss the issues that a vast majority of Americans have issues with. They cannot come on to the battlefield of ideas with what they are pushing and win. So, what is their solution? Straight from Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. They are trying to silence the opposition. They are trying to tell us to sit down and shut up, because they know what's best for you. It is the type of thing that tyrants and dictators try to do. Tyrrants and Dictators then generally resort to physical means to try and suppress the opposition. I am not saying that the current progressives in power would go this far at this time. However, the President's Manufacturing Czar, Ron Bloom, did say, "We kind of agree with Mao that political power comes largely from the barrel of a gun."

There are the SEIU goons, there is no better way to describe them, that attacked Kenneth Gladney, a black conservative, outside a town hall meeting in St. Louis. This was back in August. Kenneth was handing out and selling Don't Tread on Me flags. They shouted racial slurs at him and proceeded to beat him to the point he needed hospitilization.

For the most part they are trying to find ways to pick apart and isolate the opposition. However, the one thing that we have learned observing all these patriots come out in protest of the shredding of our Constitution, is that we are not alone. They cannot isolate us. They call us racist because we don't agree with the Presiden'ts policies. What a load of crap! We disagree with him because of his policies. Lloyd Marcus is a great example of the inclusiveness of the tea party movement. I absolutely LOVE his articles. He tells it as it is as he sends in updates from tea parties all over the country.

I had a friend in a recent debate back and forth call me a racist because I can't believe a black man can be President. I have known this individual for several years. He knows I am nothing even close to resembling a racist. However, he fell back on the only thing that the left has remaining; to try and accuse me of being a racist to get me to shut up. Interestingly enough, the debate started with me posting an article written by Lloyd Marcus. It truly boggles the mind sometimes. I'll probably throw up a post tomorrow with this last conversation that I had back and forth with him.

The other recent example is the boycott of Glenn Beck. I'll just let Glenn comment on it in his own words. It is truly interesting. I do agree that he must have hit a nerve, because all he ever does is play quotes of these progressives making statements that most Americans would disagree with.

The founders of this great nation wanted us to debate. As James Madison stated in the Federalist Papers, they recognized that although individual liberty can bring about a strong difference of opinion, it is essential to life. It is absolutely essential that we debate ideas with each other. The debate can be civil. The tea party protests have been shown to be peaceful. I have debates with friends in person and on Facebook that are civil. We share our ideas back and forth and attempt to back up our positions with valid sources.

Progressives have nothing left to say in the debate because the light is now shining on them, and what they have been up to in the dark for the last 100 years. Instead of scattering like a bunch of cockroaches as they have in the past, this time they are taking Salinsky's advice and jamming on the accelerator. Do not let anyone try to shame you for having an opinion or for your beliefs. Just realize that if they attempt to do this, they have no valid argument back and are scared at the possibilities you are presenting.

I wanted to just close this out with a link to a clip I will probably repost tomorrow as well so it sits on its own. Another great example of an up and coming leader that is speaking out. I really agree with what he has to say.

As always, remember to keep yourself informed and don't be afraid to speak out.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Compare and Contrast.....Monday Morning Quotes

So, to help all of us keep track of one set of values over another, Progressives vs the Founding Fathers, I thought I would start a Monday post dedicated to this compare and contrast. No commentary from yours truly, just the quotes as they stand by themselves.Oh, and I am not even pairing it along similar subjects. Just random quotes thrown together that hopefully will present a mosaic of the beliefs of each side.

"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."

David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission, in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, in June, 1991.
Baden, Germany

Compared to;

“State legislatures will always be, not only the vigilant, but suspicious and jealous guardians of the rights of the citizens against encroachments from the federal government.”

Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Papers # 26

Friday, April 2, 2010

Post Racial America??

There has been a lot of slander recently thrown out at us folks that participate in the tea parties. Those that are trying to petition their government through peaceful means to signal that we don't agree with the direction they are taking our country. There was an excellent letter a poster shared on the Big Journalism site today. It was in response to this article, written by Andrew Breitbart. For everyone out there no matter what side of the arguments we face we are on, please seriously think about what Christine here is saying. I also encourage everyone for the appropriate background to read Mr. Breitbart's article in its entirety.


Here is a letter I wrote to Congressman Lewis - I submitted it to "The Hill" but I don't think they will publish it.

Dear Congressman Lewis,

Let me start with a very serious question Congressman. In 1965, which offense could your soul and spirt accept less, the institutional effort to refuse you and other blacks the right to express your voice participating in the political process via the ballot box or the effort by GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS to physically beat you and other demonstrators in order to SILENCE your voices and serve as a warning to others to scare them into turning their heads to injustice?

Given that you and so many others bravely risked serious harm marching on Bloody Sunday, I assume that the fear of being beaten and possibly death was easier for you to accept then the continuation of being denied the basic right to participate in the political process with your vote - your voice.

While I could not attend the recent rally in Washington, I did attend 2 tea party rallies in the last year and have been proud to stand with my fellow citizens. I was very concerned to hear about charges that a group of tea party protesters shouted racial slurs over and over again - "a chorus" as the reports indicated. While I do not believe thousands and thousands of protesters should be smeared by the actions of a few, I was very curious and intent on looking into these reports myself because the people I had met would never utter such words nor allow a group of people to utter them in our presence without confronting them sternly and insisting they leave.

I read everything I could about the incident and have watched many videos trying to see and hear for myself. I have become convinced that Representative Andre Carson and Representative Emanuel Cleaver are not telling the truth. Racism is a very serious charge - It should not be made lightly.

You lent your name to this charge based on hearsay. There are now many videos posted that do not show what Representative Carson and Representative Cleaver asserted yet this charge continues to smear the thousands and thousands of your fellow citizens loud, but peaceful, protesting.

I say this with 100% of the courage of my convictions, I would rather have been beaten by you and the other members of your group and have the proof of those scars and the blood stains. My soul and spirit could endure that better than the malicious smears against us as racists which is nothing more than an effort by GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS to intimidate and silence LAW ABIDING, PEACEFUL, citizens trying to petition our government concerning a health-care bill and out-of-control spending that we do not like, think is hurtful to our families, to our country and ALL its citizens regardless of color.

Congressman Lewis, regardless of your position on health-care or your personal opinions on the tea party protests, please do not let this charge against me and our fellow brothers and sisters stand without investigating for yourself. Please speak to Rep Carson and Rep Cleaver and look them in the eyes.

If you determine that these charges are false or exaggerated and say nothing to correct the record you have become one of those men on the Edmund Pettus Bridge. Whether you can see it or not you have become a government official trying to silence me and scare others from speaking up and I grieve for your heart and soul and our county.

I have a clear conscience knowing that at every rally I attended I behaved respectively and so did every other person I observed, reports to the contrary are slander and those who level it should be ashamed.

It is time to apologize if you have the character that Dr. King dreamed we would all be judged by.


I believe that all speaks for itself and how many of us feel.

Remember to keep yourself informed and don't be afraid to speak out.