Friday, February 26, 2010

Understanding History and Moving Forward

There is a lot that has been going on out there this week. We had the "Health Care Summit" in which the democrats were allotted twice as much time to speak as dissenting Republicans. Of course, the President recognized this and said since he is President, his talking time doesn't count towards the total. The Republicans did get to get some good conservative ideas across and hopefully some people were still watching the telecast at that point to catch it. The media shouldn't be calling them the party of no even now. Particularly since they said, here are the ideas we have been suggesting since the beginning.

We also saw some democrats try to pull a fast one in the House this week while everyone was watching the "Health Care Summit". They attempted to ammend the intelligence services bill with all sorts of penalties and punishments for our intelligence officers who are trying to do their jobs. Oh, and all the scientists claimed this morning that January 2010 was the hottest January in the history of the world.

With all of this going on and being rammed down our throats, one has to think, what can I do? How do we move forward from all this while not falling into the abyss? I believe that comes from a solid understanding of history and who we are as a nation. I've ordered a great book that I am waiting to ship from Amazon. Apparently after Glenn Beck mentioned it on his show it went through the roof. I'm looking forward to receiving it because it gives more knowledge on who we are.

I believe that a great disservice is being done to our children today by the schools. They are not teaching history, and what they are teaching as history has been glossed over with a progressive veneer.

So how do we move forward? Understanding who we are is the first part along with understanding the greatness of our nation and not apologizing for it just because somebody doesn't agree with us. We do all we can to share knowledge with those around us. We need to shine the light on what is really going on. We then need to use the knowledge we have, along with good old American ingenuity, and use those things that will work. The things that take us back to our roots as a nation and closer to the Founders intents.

I know this weeks post is a little rambling, but I am tired of people saying they don't like what is going on and don't know what to do about it. Don't stick your head in the sand. Learn what is going on, learn why those that are doing it are attempting to and what their ultimate goal would be. If you don't agree with them, then speak out. By sitting silent you just allow your freedoms and your agency to be stripped away.

Remember to keep yourself informed and don't be afraid to speak out.

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