Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Progressive Corruption

So, the progressives have been having a field day the last 100 years working to tear down what our founding fathers have established. They tend to do lots of things in secret. One of the things I mention in my upcoming research paper, I promise I will have it written by next week and will post when it is graded, is the progressive need to pass legislation and shifts in the direction of the country in little pieces at a time. If they do it all in one swoop, they know the people will reject it. I believe this is what has happened in the last year. They have tried so hard to pass as much as they can as fast as possible, it jolted the people awake.

So, what does one do if you are a progressive and you are losing public support? You start to hide things in the shadows of course. In the past, legislators would hide things in bills to pay each other off and deny it if caught. This last weekend however, we saw the death of shame in Washington....please, let's have a moment of silence. Senator Landrieu from Louisiana admitted to being bought off by Harry Reid to the tune of $300 million to her state if she would vote to bring the health care bill to the floor for debate. It was originally thought to have been $100 million dollars. She got up in front of the entire Senate and said, actually it was $300 million. I know, we Nevadans have to work harder to kick him out of office. I did see a great sign over the freeway the other day. It said, "Reid the Bill."

Progressive corruption isn't limited to just the politicians. It of course has been entwined in some of the worlds greatest institutions of higher learning. Last week some hackers broke into the University of Anglia in Britain and obtained a whole lot of data. As my son would say, la lots of data. In it, they mention covering up and deleting evidence that would discredit man made global warming. They discuss how to silence global warming skeptics and that it would be better to destroy information then to comply with Freedom of Information Act requests. Particularly the one available in Britain that a lot of people don't know about. John Lott gives a good breakdown. Why should you be concerned about this? Because progressives are using "scientific" consesus to push global warming legislation that will cost trillions of dollars and exert international control over sovereign nations.

For some reason I don't find it surprising that there would be corruption in the halls of academia. Progressives started their movement in the Universities and feel strongly that the people should be guided by scientific experts. However, I do believe most Americans to be untrusting of "university certified" experts. It has been the work of Elite Experts over the last 100 plus years that have brought us down into all the messes we are facing.

I know everything seems like a jumble right now that is impossible to fix. Just remember that if we as individuals and families take some baby steps together, we can slowly fix this great nation of ours. Remember to keep yourself informed and speak out. Don't let anyone shame you into silence. Senator Landrieu didn't.

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