Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Cap and Tax, Global Schmarming

You know, I had a tough time deciding what to throw up this week. Obama and his allies are overwhelming the system trying to cram so much down our throats that it’s hard to figure out what to write about first. Being that this already passed the House and has momentum, I’ll write about it first.

Al Gore has been trotting around the globe the last several years pushing his “global warming” agenda. Besides the hypocrisy of trotting around the globe on private jets spewing that ever so dangerous carbon, his income has increased 5,000% since he started doing this. He is heavily invested in the set up of Cap and Trade markets. He stands to make 100’s of millions off of it. You know what they say, follow the money.

The first thing we have to tackle is does man made global warming exist? My answer is a resounding NO! Actually, I seem to remember something growing up in school about the dangers of “global cooling” and another ice age was eminent. The mean global temperature has been decreasing the last 10 years. The warmest year on record the last 100 years in the U.S. was 1938. The models and science used by the UN are flawed (that’s coming from the 1,000’s of SCIENTISTS that have spoken out). The science shows that over the millions of years of the earth’s existence that the temperature has gone up and down, all without the help of mankind. A recent study points out 55 million years ago there was a “runaway spurt” of global warming. The planet surface temperature blasted up between 9 and 16.2 degrees Fahrenheit in just a few thousand years. Those darn dinosaurs. Can’t you imagine them running their coal powered electrical plants and driving around in their giant hummers? I personally think a dinosaur in a hummer would look pretty cool. Of course we all know that Algoresaurus came along and saved them all with a flashy PowerPoint.

You would think that the responsible people in Congress would want to hear both sides of the argument for “global warming.” Especially since a cap and tax scheme would have such a dramatic economic impact for the worse. Proponents of “global warming” all say the science is settled and the debate is over. I am still waiting for somebody to tell me when that debate was. I don’t recall there ever being one. When the House was having hearings on the Waxman-Markey Cap and Trade Bill they had Mr. Gore slated to speak and show his information. Mr. Gore and his cohorts claim “man made global warming” will raise surface temperatures .01 degrees centigrade in the next hundred years. Also invited was a scientist from England who is an outspoken critic of “global warming” science to present the facts for the other side. While this scientist was in the air over the Atlantic, the House Committee just decided to rescind his invitation to speak. I really don’t consider that an open debate.

The truth is, global warming (climate change) is a scam. It’s a giant swindle. The government and major corporations stand to make BILLIONS of dollars off of the taxpayers and mostly middle class ones at that. The Waxman-Markey bill barely passed the house by 7 votes. Several democrats even voted against it. The passage came from last minute deal making with 8 republican representatives who received 300 pages of goodies added at 3 am on the day of its passage. The Heritage Foundation gave testimony before congress regarding the economic impact of this bill. The cumulative higher energy costs for a family of four by 2035 will be $20,000 per year. The job loss created by this bill will be enormous. Look to Europe’s experiment in Cap and Trade. Spain is the supposed poster child for a successful clean energy economy, and a source of green jobs. Nobody is talking about their current unemployment rate of 18%. For every “green” job they create they destroy two jobs in other industries. National Review did a breakdown of the 50 things wrong with Waxman-Markey. If you want to know who stands to benefit and make container ships full of money off of your hard work, the list is pretty extensive.

So how do we address our energy independence? That’s what this should be truly about. Although I do believe that renewable sources of energy may be part of the answer in the future, they are not currently viable economically. I believe the answer lies in tapping our vast, God given resources we have at our disposal. Coal technology is believe it or not getting cleaner and cleaner. We have enough of it to supply our energy demands for 2,000 years. How about the big elephant in the room nobody wants to address, nuclear power? It is clean, renewable, and we can even recycle the waste. The French get more than 85% of their power needs from nuclear. They even turn a good profit recycling nuclear waste for other countries and sending it back to them. We can tap the vast oil fields we have at our disposal, both those reserves on land and offshore. We are the safest and most environmentally friendly when it comes to claiming our resources. Why do we not do it? Is it just easier to let the Chinese, Russians, and Saudis do it in an unfriendly manner? Most of these countries don’t like us very much. We have so much in oil that we are not tapping; we could be making money off of it exporting it to other countries while keeping our energy costs extremely low. We can then take profits made from this and explore renewable sources so our kids have even more options down the road.

President Obama said the whole point of a Cap and Trade scheme is that it would, “necessarily increase the cost of energy so people would be forced to use less of it.” Wake up! Write and call your senators every day! Do not let this get passed or our free market, capitalistic system is caput. For those that think, “hey, we don’t need capitalism”, remember you cannot enjoy the freedoms you have without capitalism. They are linked together and propelled our country to be the greatest and most free nation on earth in less than 200 years.

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