Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Government Incompetence

Although this dates back to a Lawyer tome in 1955, it’s basically a lawyer joke, I still think it shows how most people feel about the inability of government to function with any sort of common sense. I envision this type of logic in a response to a medical treatment request if socialized medicine is passed by the current congress. I’ll post a specific breakdown of the current 1,000 page bill working through congress about which Congressman John Conyers said,

“I love these members that get up and say, 'Read the bill.' What good is reading the bill if it's 1,000 pages and you don't have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill.”

So he is just going to vote for it without reading it!

Don’t let your representatives pass the current health care legislation! It will cause another step forward towards the self-destruction of our country as we know it!

Enjoy the lawyer joke!

Part of rebuilding New Orleans caused residents often to be challenged with the task of tracing home titles back potentially hundreds of years.

With a community rich with history stretching back over two centuries, houses have been passed along through generations of family, sometimes making it quite difficult to establish ownership.

Here's a great letter an attorney wrote to the FHA on behalf of a client:
You have to love this lawyer ........

A New Orleans lawyer sought an FHA loan for a client. He was told the loan would be granted if he could prove satisfactory title to a parcel of property being offered as collateral. The title to the property dated back to 1803, which took the lawyer three months to track down. After sending the information to the FHA, he received the following reply.

(Actual reply from FHA):

"Upon review of your letter adjoining your client's loan application, we note that the request is supported by an Abstract of Title. While we compliment the able manner in which you have prepared and presented the application, we must point out that you have only cleared title to the proposed collateral property back to 1803. Before final approval can be accorded, it will be necessary to clear the title back to its origin."

Annoyed, the lawyer responded as follows:

(Actual response):

"Your letter regarding title in Case No.189156 has been received. I note that you wish to have title extended further than the 194 years covered by the present application. I was unaware that any educated person in this country, particularly those working in the property area, would not know that Louisiana was purchased by the United States from France, in 1803 the year of origin identified in our application.

For the edification of uninformed FHA bureaucrats, the title to the land prior to U.S. ownership was obtained from France, which had acquired it by Right of Conquest from Spain. The land came into the possession of Spain by Right of Discovery made in the year 1492 by a sea captain named Christopher Columbus, who had been granted the privilege of seeking a new route to India by the Spanish monarch, Queen Isabella. The good Queen Isabella, being a pious woman and almost as careful about titles as the FHA, took the precaution of securing the blessing of the Pope before she sold her jewels to finance Columbus' expedition...Now the Pope, as I'm sure you may know, is the emissary of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and God, it is commonly accepted, created this world. Therefore, I believe it is safe to presume that God also made that part of the world called Louisiana. God, therefore, would be the owner of origin and His origins date back to before the beginning of time, the world as we know it, and the FHA. I hope you find God's original claim to be satisfactory.

Now, may we have our damn loan?" The loan was approved.

Friday, July 24, 2009


The last time I was at the DMV was about 18 months ago. I had to register a car we had just acquired. It had been a while since I had previously been to the DMV. I thought to myself, it still can’t be as bad as I remember. Oh, it was much worse. The staff has gotten friendlier and it seemed a bit more organized. The waits however have gotten progressively longer and this is at a NEW DMV office. I think I waited about 2 ½ hours. Just when you think they are going to call your number they call a different one. Apparently they have like a bazillion different numbering systems. That can’t be confusing. Good thing I brought a book with me!

For a recent doctor appointment I had, it was necessary to make the appointment about 1 week out. In some cases I have had to make it 2 to 3 weeks out. This wasn’t for something major. Just some issues I wanted to discuss with my doctor. If I ever need immediate care, the wait in the quick care is not quite as bad as the DMV, or I can use my very awesome Teladoc service. Either way, I am not sitting in a waiting room for 3 plus hours waiting to see someone.

A lot of people are screaming and complaining about how “bad” the healthcare is in this country. They point out that “41 Million” people are without health insurance. How it would be so great if everybody was covered on a government plan such as those in Europe or Canada. They scream against the “evil” insurance companies and their plot to suck every last dime out of you just to make a “gigantic” profit. If only the government could come in and make everyone play nice in the sandbox. They can make things “fair”. They scream about having to fill out lots of paperwork and working through a process to get some procedures pre-approved.

I would much rather have the current health care system we have then anything else in the world. I also do not want government intruding into any aspect of my life, particularly my medical care. It is not the purpose of government to “fix” everything or make everything “fair”.

For the supposed “41 million” people that do not have health insurance, lets really break down that number. First, considering the current population is over 300 million people we shouldn’t be rushing to dramatically alter things. This is especially true considering a large number of the 260 million + people with insurance actually like what they have. When you take the “41 Million” and weed out the people who can afford insurance but just decide not to have it, the young who elect not to have insurance because they feel they are healthy, the people who qualify for Medicaid but don’t know how to apply or don’t want to deal with the DMV like efficiency, and the population that is not here in this country legally, you come out with approximately 11 million who would like insurance but cannot afford it. This comes out to roughly 4% of the population. Although that is still a large number of individuals, the situation is not as dire as the President makes it out to be. There are other ways to get that 4% covered without a government takeover.

I keep hearing a lot of people talk about how great the socialized health care is in Europe and Canada. Yep, it’s so great in France a majority of the population buys “private” insurance on top of that great government run care to get some decent medical care. The rationing of the care alone is unbelievable. In Canada, the wait to see a doctor is 6 months. The great example of government care in this country is the VA. Just ask those veterans about having to wait two months for an “emergency” MRI. The current plan presented by Democrats and the President creates a “board of experts” that will set a one size fits all approach to keep down costs. This means your doctor isn’t the one who decides if you get that life saving medicine or procedure. It is left to the bureaucrats in Washington who will look at a little spreadsheet to ensure it won’t cost too much money. You will end up with stories like that of 22-year old Gary Reinbach. If the healthcare in these other countries is so good, why are all their citizens coming here for medical treatment. The medical care in this country is far superior to that of any country in the world. It seems the complaint everyone has isn’t about the quality of the care so much as they had to pay for it.

Let’s take a look at cost because we know the government is sooooo efficient at running things. See my aforementioned DMV trip above. For every dollar spent on healthcare 0.6% goes towards health insurance costs. So apparently it’s not the insurance driving up cost. How about those evil CEOs with their gold plated toilets? They account for 0.0005% of healthcare costs. Hmmmm, I guess that flushes that idea.

The President keeps saying, “if you like the insurance you have, you can keep it.” That is about the most bold faced lie I have heard him tell yet. The healthcare bill will set up an insurance exchange where all available insurance options, including Uncle Sam’s, would be available for purchase. In order to be a part of the exchange, where you have to get your insurance, you have to meet mandated requirements on what type of care is available, including abortion on demand. This will force several providers out of the pool of eligible companies. The rest will be forced out of business for the simple fact that the government can mandate how much they will compensate medical providers even if it puts the plan in the red. Private companies cannot do that. It will cause their prices to go up while keeping the governments artificially low. Your employer is going to go with the least expensive option to help their bottom line. This will lead to private insurance going out of business and the government having complete control of your healthcare.

There are a few ways that we can address the cost of healthcare without a massive government run bureaucracy getting in the way. Here are just two ideas.

Putting caps on medical malpractice suits. We all know this country is sue happy. Just look at the McDonald’s coffee lady, or my favorite, the lady who put her RV on cruise control so she could get up and make a sandwich. They both won their suits although their actions defied all common sense. The malpractice insurance is astronomical. We talked with my wife’s OB once and she mentioned how expensive her insurance is. If you limit the amount of awards in suits, this brings down the cost of insurance, and correspondingly the doctors can charge less for their services.

Allowing policies to be purchased across state lines, combined with tax breaks for individuals to purchase their insurance. This accomplishes two things. It creates an atmosphere of competition. The one thing we have proved over the last couple decades is Americans are pretty good shoppers. We are ever mindful about finding the best deal. It also creates portability. Now your health insurance isn’t tied to your job. You can take it with you wherever you go. One thing that we have always considered when I am looking for a better career opportunity is the effect of not having insurance during the job transition. If I had my own policy, presto! I have more upward mobility.

The healthcare debate all boils down to this, control. For the people in Washington, the Unions, even some of those evil corporations that are in bed with the politicians, it is about exerting control over the choices you have. It is about fundamentally changing the way this nation runs and exists. As has been the case for hundreds of years, it’s about money and power. The Lord’s greatest gift is my freedom of choice. Let me keep mine to work with my doctor to decide what is best for me. If it goes the other way it looks like I’ll be waiting in the same line for my annual exam and car registration renewal.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Cap and Tax, Global Schmarming

You know, I had a tough time deciding what to throw up this week. Obama and his allies are overwhelming the system trying to cram so much down our throats that it’s hard to figure out what to write about first. Being that this already passed the House and has momentum, I’ll write about it first.

Al Gore has been trotting around the globe the last several years pushing his “global warming” agenda. Besides the hypocrisy of trotting around the globe on private jets spewing that ever so dangerous carbon, his income has increased 5,000% since he started doing this. He is heavily invested in the set up of Cap and Trade markets. He stands to make 100’s of millions off of it. You know what they say, follow the money.

The first thing we have to tackle is does man made global warming exist? My answer is a resounding NO! Actually, I seem to remember something growing up in school about the dangers of “global cooling” and another ice age was eminent. The mean global temperature has been decreasing the last 10 years. The warmest year on record the last 100 years in the U.S. was 1938. The models and science used by the UN are flawed (that’s coming from the 1,000’s of SCIENTISTS that have spoken out). The science shows that over the millions of years of the earth’s existence that the temperature has gone up and down, all without the help of mankind. A recent study points out 55 million years ago there was a “runaway spurt” of global warming. The planet surface temperature blasted up between 9 and 16.2 degrees Fahrenheit in just a few thousand years. Those darn dinosaurs. Can’t you imagine them running their coal powered electrical plants and driving around in their giant hummers? I personally think a dinosaur in a hummer would look pretty cool. Of course we all know that Algoresaurus came along and saved them all with a flashy PowerPoint.

You would think that the responsible people in Congress would want to hear both sides of the argument for “global warming.” Especially since a cap and tax scheme would have such a dramatic economic impact for the worse. Proponents of “global warming” all say the science is settled and the debate is over. I am still waiting for somebody to tell me when that debate was. I don’t recall there ever being one. When the House was having hearings on the Waxman-Markey Cap and Trade Bill they had Mr. Gore slated to speak and show his information. Mr. Gore and his cohorts claim “man made global warming” will raise surface temperatures .01 degrees centigrade in the next hundred years. Also invited was a scientist from England who is an outspoken critic of “global warming” science to present the facts for the other side. While this scientist was in the air over the Atlantic, the House Committee just decided to rescind his invitation to speak. I really don’t consider that an open debate.

The truth is, global warming (climate change) is a scam. It’s a giant swindle. The government and major corporations stand to make BILLIONS of dollars off of the taxpayers and mostly middle class ones at that. The Waxman-Markey bill barely passed the house by 7 votes. Several democrats even voted against it. The passage came from last minute deal making with 8 republican representatives who received 300 pages of goodies added at 3 am on the day of its passage. The Heritage Foundation gave testimony before congress regarding the economic impact of this bill. The cumulative higher energy costs for a family of four by 2035 will be $20,000 per year. The job loss created by this bill will be enormous. Look to Europe’s experiment in Cap and Trade. Spain is the supposed poster child for a successful clean energy economy, and a source of green jobs. Nobody is talking about their current unemployment rate of 18%. For every “green” job they create they destroy two jobs in other industries. National Review did a breakdown of the 50 things wrong with Waxman-Markey. If you want to know who stands to benefit and make container ships full of money off of your hard work, the list is pretty extensive.

So how do we address our energy independence? That’s what this should be truly about. Although I do believe that renewable sources of energy may be part of the answer in the future, they are not currently viable economically. I believe the answer lies in tapping our vast, God given resources we have at our disposal. Coal technology is believe it or not getting cleaner and cleaner. We have enough of it to supply our energy demands for 2,000 years. How about the big elephant in the room nobody wants to address, nuclear power? It is clean, renewable, and we can even recycle the waste. The French get more than 85% of their power needs from nuclear. They even turn a good profit recycling nuclear waste for other countries and sending it back to them. We can tap the vast oil fields we have at our disposal, both those reserves on land and offshore. We are the safest and most environmentally friendly when it comes to claiming our resources. Why do we not do it? Is it just easier to let the Chinese, Russians, and Saudis do it in an unfriendly manner? Most of these countries don’t like us very much. We have so much in oil that we are not tapping; we could be making money off of it exporting it to other countries while keeping our energy costs extremely low. We can then take profits made from this and explore renewable sources so our kids have even more options down the road.

President Obama said the whole point of a Cap and Trade scheme is that it would, “necessarily increase the cost of energy so people would be forced to use less of it.” Wake up! Write and call your senators every day! Do not let this get passed or our free market, capitalistic system is caput. For those that think, “hey, we don’t need capitalism”, remember you cannot enjoy the freedoms you have without capitalism. They are linked together and propelled our country to be the greatest and most free nation on earth in less than 200 years.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Disapproval and Disagreeing with President Obama‏

Yesterday I was making my twice monthly check of my Facebook page, when I came across something that just made blood shoot out of my eyes. There is currently a poll on Facebook asking if you approve of the job President Obama is doing. You can then of course post your result to your page. A good friend of mine had stated he “disapproved” of the job the President is doing. Another person of his acquaintance left a comment stating something to the effect of, “don’t fall in with the racist folks in the Country.” Even if they were only giving him a hard time, it reveals a common attitude amongst several people out there. If you are one of the 58,343,671 people who did not vote for him or the growing numbers of people that disagree with President Obama or his policies, they automatically brand you as a racist. For the combination of elitist and just ill informed, it eliminates the need for them in their eyes to have a logical and factual conversation about the direction the country is being steered in.

In the spirit of backing up my statements with reasons why, here are just a few of the President’s policies and initiatives I disagree with. I will write more in depth on each of these in the coming days. Oh yeah, don’t forget to brand me as a racist because I “STRONGLY DISAPPROVE” of the President.

Stimulus 2

People may be thinking, what second stimulus? Don’t fret, he hasn’t brought that one yet. The first stimulus would be the one put out there by President Bush in January 2008. The beauty of a free market system is that it corrects itself. Government intervention in every aspect of life is not the answer. One of the greatest lies perpetuated by many history books is that the New Deal actually improved the economy. It did not. It in fact made the economy worse. It is the reason why we had a “Great Depression” and the rest of the world just had a “Depression.” Even FDR’s treasury secretary (who was one of the New Deal’s chief architects) testified before congress at a later date stating it had not boosted the economy and had in fact made matters worse. The thing that pulled us out was World War II. President Obama stated in his push for the stimulus that if it passed unemployment would stay below 8% and if we did not unemployment would “skyrocket” to 9 percent by 2010. The unemployment rate is currently 9.5%.

Cap and Trade (Cap and Tax)

This measure just passed the House of Representatives by a slim margin of 7 votes. This means that even a large number of democrats are against it. Cap and Trade is the single largest tax increase in American history. They claim it will combat “global warming” and we can feel all good and fuzzy because we saved the planet. This measure will raise just the energy cost for a family of 4 by $3,000 per year. The Congressional Budget Office put out a much rosier number but admitted in their report that they did not account for all the variables. I prefer to go with the first number that came with a COMPLETE report. This does not include the fact that the cost of EVERYTHING will increase. We use energy to make everything, farm everything, and transport everything. The truth about Cap and Trade is that it is a giant corporate welfare program. There is also that other pesky issue, man made global warming does not exist. The average mean global temperature has been steadily DROPPING for at least the last 7 years. I can and will do a more extensive look at Cap and Trade along with the junk science of global warming in the coming days. It’s ok, you can all equate me to being a holocaust denier now.


Oh boy, where to begin on this one. We have a right and an obligation as a nation to protect and secure our borders. People like to throw the race card into this argument as well. I spent a good portion of time in my previous job helping our managers and directors through the immigration process. I know that it can be quite cumbersome. However, we have some of the friendliest immigration laws in the world, especially compared with our neighbors to the south. I believe we need to enforce the laws we have on the books. I believe that breaking the law is breaking the law and you are responsible for the consequences. The very first thing we need to do is secure our border with a big giant fence. We need more border patrol agents to patrol the borders and man state of the art entry points. After these items are taken care of and we are enforcing our current laws, then we can discuss how to further reform the system to allow for an orderly and legal flow of labor across the border. Concentrating on security and enforcement first will also allow us to cut down on other issues such as terrorism, drug smuggling, and human trafficking.

Health Care

Why would you want your doctor’s office to resemble a visit to the DMV? Seriously! There are some reforms that can be made in our system. Some of these will bring down cost. However, the government actually running healthcare is not the option. I know that there are 43 million people in this country without health insurance. There are also 250 million plus people who do have health insurance and more than 80% are satisfied with the coverage they have. Of the 43 million that do not have insurance, 1/3 of them make more than $50,000 per year, 1/3 of them are eligible for Medicaid but haven’t figured out how to apply for it, and 20% are here illegally. That leaves a very small percentage in the other category. These would be such people as the younger generation who feel they don’t need insurance because they are healthy. There are several reforms that can be made, such as allowing people to purchase their own plans across state lines, modernizing the records system, putting caps on malpractice suits, and clamping down on fraud.

These are just some of the major policy issues in the forefront right now. I believe the President and his allies are attempting to craft a major change in how America looks. For them it comes down to power and the belief that the Federal Government should control EVERYTHING and every aspect of our lives for the “Greater Good.” That is not what this country was founded on. On that note, I leave you with a couple quotes from our founding fathers.

Thomas Jefferson

“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.”

“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have.”

“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.”

“My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.”

Benjamin Franklin

“When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.”

“Freedom is not a gift bestowed upon us by other men, but a right that belongs to us by the laws of God and nature.”

“I am for doing good to the poor, but...I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed...that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.”